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ILEA Talks 2022: Unlearning Ecocide - T.J. Demos
Overground Resistance: T. J. Demos
KEYNOTE LECTURE T.J. DEMOS "Truth will not take Care of itself"
TJ Demos
The Radical Therapist – Radical Futurisms w/ T.J. Demos
Day3 | Keynote: The Art of Climate Emergency
The Power of Art for Political and Social Change David Solnit, TJ Demos, and Martabel Wasserman1
Chernobyl: 25 Years -- The Cultural Impact, Part III
t. j. demos / at mica / baltimore / april / 2014
2011 Clark Conference_TJ Demos_In the Wake of the Global Turn.wmv
Overgaden Lectures 2017 // Andreas Malm